So, in soul is communion, not prior, and comm-union which is oneness sharing with-Itself in union, oneness-within-difference; beyond communion is, strictly speaking, no unity, no union, for "unity" and "union" imply a coming together of opposites ~ however, at times, I have used union in a more loose sense, that of oneness, Oneness.
See, we do not have a soul, as many are taught. We are soul, the soul has us. Many see soul as an immaterial thing that will survive death, but that which is not cannot have continuity, and what is a fragment cannot have eternal nonsuccession as a whole ~ eternal, meaning free of continuity, for continuity is of time. All in continuity, in succession, meaning time, is subject to death, cannot renew itself, any renewal only being a phase in the decline to cessation. Jesus, in the Gospel of John, is attributed with saying, "You must be born from above (here a dual meaning,"above, again," with above indicating from Spirit, not in a spatial).... What is born of the Spirit ("above") is spirit ("above"), what is born of the flesh ("below,' so, matter-body-mind) is flesh ("below)." This, as all teachers of nondual Spirit note, means that what I call here "soul" and "Spirit" is free of the limitations of time and space, so death, so body and mind subject to death and will not survive the decay of nature. All that time touches dies. I, as person, will not survive death, the I, as soul, will, so no individual person survives death ~ I will address this in an upcoming writing, how one both does and does not die.
"But, why," one could inquire, "do you say that there is only one soul?" Each of us having a soul, so individual souls, personal souls, is a logical contradiction. To say "I have a soul" is the interpretation of a divided-being having a conclusion arising from fragmentation, so individuality; this one is not only divided from others, but self. He or she, then, is divided from his or own embodying of soul, the "I" being placed in position of having a soul. A simple analysis of this easily shows how fallacious is this idea of individual, so separate, souls. Some would say, "My soul survives death," but, again, the "my" dying and the soul surviving perpetuates individuality. Who is this "my" taking comfort that some part divided within him or her will survive, while he or she, the "my" itself, will not? Again, simple logistics points out the falseness of this, likewise, maybe leading some to inquire, "How do so many actually believe this?" My response, "They are not thinking, only agreeing?" We have been socialized not to think, merely agree. How many have seriously inquired on this matter of which we contemplate this day? We are not encouraged to know who we are, we are encouraged to agree about what we are not. This is our collective narcissism, whatever its socially validated attire: intellectual, beautiful, enlightened, saved, kind, nice, holy, rich, benefactor, ... The soul has in itself no qualities of character, but is Quality-absolute. Communion is oneness in union. Here, Love is loving, is communion happening. Love acting is loving, is reaching out to connect aspects of Itself in sharing, in the action of belonging; longing is the felt-aspiration for this connecting.
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